breeding cell
-(noun): also called a breeding stall. A slave who is designated to be bred is taken there. Both kajira and kajirus are hooded and though they will never know the other's identity their coupling is public, observed by Masters and others.
Book 22: Dancer of Gor, page 175
Builders, Caste of
-(noun): the caste which includes architects, draftsmen, stonemasons. The Builders are one of the five High Castes. Yellow Caste.
Book 1: Tarnsman of Gor, page 62
capture cubicle
-(noun): a room designed or arranged for the capture of an unwary Free Woman, normally this captured Free Woman is then enslaved.
Book 25: Magicians of Gor, page 42
-(noun): the most prestigious slave auction house in the city of Ar.
Book 7: Captive of Gor, page 355
-(noun): the primary architectural form of buildings in major Gorean cities; they are of varying heights and colors, flat-topped and cylindrical, connected by narrow, colorful bridges that arch between them.
Book 1: Tarnsman of Gor, page 23
garden, walled
-(noun): term used for the place highborn Free women are raised in until a suitable suitor is found.
Book 1: Tarnsman of Gor, page 107 and 108
Home Stone, dwelling
-(noun): a stone often circular and flat that is sacred to each dwelling and is to be defended ferociously by even the meanest peasant. It is said, 'A palace without a Home Stone is but a hovel; a hovel which contains a Home Stone is a palace.'
Book 1: Tarnsman of Gor, page 26
Book 2: Outlaw of Gor, page 28
Book 11: Slave Girl of Gor, page 142
Book 25: Magicians of Gor, pages 485-486
-(noun): Innuit word, meaning dwelling or house, the Red Hunters cut blocks of ice with snow knifes to construct them.
Book 12: Beasts of Gor, page 336
-(noun): a crowded, cramped tenement type dwelling, which rents living space to it's inhabitants. They are not noted for their ventilation, luxury, or roominess.
Book 21: Mercenaries of Gor, pages 273-275
Book 25: Magicians of Gor, pages 9 and 102
iron pens
-(noun): the subterranean retention facilities in a Slaver's house where slaves are kept for training and prior to sale.
Book 5: Assassin of Gor, pages 117 and 273
longhouse, Torvaldsland
-(noun): the hall of the Torvaldslander is about 120 Gorean feet in length, with walls formed of turf and stone, some more than eight feet in thickness. It is heated by a fire in it's center, burning in a rounded pit. It's ceiling, supported by posts is about 6 feet in height. At one end is a cooking area and along each side, stones mark sections off into sleeping quarters, furs strewn over an dirt floor. Scattered throughout are tables and benches. The center of the hall proper is about twelve feet in width.
Book 9: Marauders of Gor, pages 90-91
loot pit
-(noun): a holding place for captured free women awaiting collars and branding during the military occupation of a city.
Book 25: Magicians of Gor, page 190
-(noun): the colony and home of the Priest-Kings in the Sardar; the ruler of the Nest is the Mother from whose eggs the Priest-Kings are hatched.
Book 3: Priest-Kings of Gor, page 84
night gate
-(noun): a gate or gates monitored to allow passage of bona fide citizens to and from the city after dark.
Book 21: Mercenaries of Gor, page 102
paga tavern
-(noun): an establishment where food and alcoholic beverages esp. paga are sold; in addition the use of the serving slave is included in the price of the paga bought.
Book 5: Assassin of Gor, page 7
Pillar of Exchanges
-(noun): about one hundred pasangs northwest of Tharna lonely white column of solid marble 400 feet in height and 100 feet in diameter. The solid pillar offers an almost ideal place for the exchange of prisoners.
Book 2: Outlaw of Gor page, 141
Pleasure Garden
-(noun): the name for a beautifully landscaped walled area at a wealthy Gorean home. Besides the decoration of flowers and foliage, slave girls may be kept there.
Book 4: Nomads of Gor, page 217
-(noun): a public building which houses the high council, or governing body.
Book 21: Mercenaries of Gor, pages 108, 141
slave kennel
-(noun): a small room, usually 3'x3'x4', having an iron grill for a door in which a slave girl may be confined at night .
Book 15: Rogue of Gor, page 117-118
sun gate
-(noun): one or several are found in most cities, so called because they are commonly opened at dawn and closed at dusk, their hours of ingress and egress determined by the diurnal cycle.
Book 21: Mercenaries of Gor, page 102
Book 25: Magicians of Gor, page 9 and 20
tarn cot
-(noun): building in which domesticated tarns are housed.
Book 1: Tarnsman of Gor, page 165
tarn cot, faction -
(noun): a tarn cot for use by numerous owners involved in a faction.
Book 5: Assassin of Gor, page 169
tent, Gorean campaign
-(noun): in large fixed camps, the tents of Tarnsmen are circular with a conical roof and have an entrance canopy. A pennon bearing the insignia of the particular unit is affixed to it's top. These tents follow the tarnsmen in their flights, borne on supply wagons of the main body.
Book 24: Vagabonds of Gor, page 51
wagons, Wagon Peoples
-(noun): square, the size of a room, brightly colored, each drawn by a double team of bosk. The black, lacquered tem-wood wagon box which stands six feet from the ground, supports a rounded, tent-like frame covered with taut, painted, varnished bosk hide. The wheels have a diameter of 10 feet, the front wheels slightly smaller than the rear. The interiors are often lushly appointed, filled with chests and silk cushions, and ankle-deep, intricately wrought carpets, lit by hanging tharlarion oil lamps. In the center of the wagon is a small, shallow, copper, fire bowl with a raised brass grating. Some cooking may be done here, but it primarily provides heat, the smoke escaping through a smoke hole at the dome of the tent-like covering.
Book 4: Nomads of Gor, pages 30-31
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