Sunday, October 27, 2013

Caste Colors

This is a simple list of Caste colors.
Out of all the different Castes mentioned within the Books, only fifteen are shown to have a specific color or colors associated with their particular Caste.

 First, the five High Castes:
Initiates  White
Scribes  Blue
Builders  Yellow
Physicians  Green
Warriors  Red or Scarlet

 And then, the other ten Castes:
Assassins  Black
Bakers  Yellow and Brown or Brown and Black
Metal Workers  Black and Gray
Merchants  Yellow and White or Gold and White
Peasants  Gray, White or Brown
Players  Red and Yellow checkered
Slavers  Blue and Yellow
Sleen Trainers  Black and Brown
Tarn Keepers  Brown with Green streaks
Vintners  White with Green cloth leaves

 It also seems appropriate to mention the colors associated with the offices of the Administrator and Ubar:
Administrator  Brown
Ubar  Purple


Supporting References

I could see the white robes of Initiates and the variegated colors of soldiers, both of Ar and of Pa-Kur's horde.
Tarnsman of Gor   Book 1   Page 204

I saw two Initiates in their snowy white, with their golden pans held out, to receive offerings.
Mariners of Gor   Book 30   Page 504

another wore the blue of the Caste of Scribes,
Assassin of Gor   Book 5   Page 3

"Where will he go? What will he do?" asked a fellow, a Scribe from his robes, of shoddy, faded blue.
Mariners of Gor   Book 30   Page 4

"That war can be ended here," smiled a man in yellow robes, those of the Builders.
Prize of Gor   Book 27   Page 69

I saw two in the yellow of the Builders,
Mariners of Gor   Book 30   Page 504

who wore the green robes of the Caste of Physicians,
Nomads of Gor   Book 4   Page 44

On continental Gor, green is the caste color of the Physicians.
Mariners of Gor   Book 30   Page 320

I was no longer worthy of the red of the warrior,
Raiders of Gor   Book 6   Page 76

I now dressed myself in the scarlet garb of a warrior of Gor.
Outlaw of Gor   Book 2   Page 24

It was as a warrior of Gor that I arose and donned the black helmet and the garments of the Caste of Assassins. I loosened my sword in its sheath, set my shield on my arm, and grasped my spear.
Tarnsman of Gor   Book 1   Page 190

"Who are you," asked a man, "that those of the black caste would come secretly, silently, upon you?"
Mariners of Gor   Book 30   Page 5

I stayed four days in the rooms above the shop of Dina of Turia. There I dyed my hair black and exchanged the robes of the merchant for the yellow and brown tunic of the Bakers, to which caste her father and two brothers had belonged.
Nomads of Gor   Book 4   Page 237

I did note, however, the brown and black of the Bakers, the black and gray of the Metal Worker, the brown of the Peasants, and several others.
Mariners of Gor   Book 30   Page 504

Metal Workers:
I did note, however, the brown and black of the Bakers, the black and gray of the Metal Worker, the brown of the Peasants, and several others.
Mariners of Gor   Book 30   Page 504

In the crowd, too, I saw some merchants, though few of them, in their white and gold.
Marauders of Gor   Book 9   Page 153

There were many caste colors in the crowd, but clearly predominating were the yellow and white, or white and gold, familiar to the Merchants.
Mariners of Gor   Book 30   Page 503

one who wore the grimed gray of a peasant,
Magicians of Gor   Book 25   Page 129

I wore a peasant's tunic. It was white and sleeveless, of the wool of the Hurt.
Slave Girl of Gor   Book 11   Page 191

I did note, however, the brown and black of the Bakers, the black and gray of the Metal Worker, the brown of the Peasants, and several others.
Mariners of Gor   Book 30   Page 504

he wore the garb of the Player, but his garb was rich and the squares of the finest red and yellow silk;
Assassin of Gor   Book 5   Page 322

Members of the Caste of Players are recognized by their red-and-yellow-checked robes,
Mariners of Gor   Book 30   Page 2

He had known, of course, from the gown of blue and yellow silk that the man was a slaver.
Assassin of Gor   Book 5   Page 18

a slaver will usually wear blue and yellow robes, or robes in which these colors are prominent.
Explorers of Gor   Book 13   Page 335

Sleen Trainers:
He no longer now wore the brown and black common to professional sleen trainers.
Beasts of Gor   Book 12   Page 78

Tarn Keepers:
The Tarn Keeper, who was called by those in the tavern Mip, . . . wore a Tarn Keeper's cap with a greenish tassel;
Assassin of Gor   Book 5   Page 168

"Game!" I heard, an answering cry, and a fat fellow, of the Caste of Vintners, puffing and bright eyed, wearing a white tunic with a representation in green cloth of leaves about the collar and down the sleeves of the garment, stepped forth from a doorway.
Assassin of Gor   Book 5   Page 29

In the center of the amphitheater was a throne of office, and on this throne, in his robe of state - a plain brown garment, the humblest cloth in the hall - sat my father, Administrator of Ko-ro-ba, once Ubar, War Chieftain of the city.
Tarnsman of Gor   Book 1   Page 62

Kamchak stood before the throne of Phanius Turmus, the purple robe of the Ubar over one shoulder,
Nomads of Gor   Book 4   Page 255

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