Arctic Gant Eggs
I stepped aside to let a young girl pass, who carried two baskets of eggs, those of the migratory arctic gant. They nest in the mountains of the Hrimgar and in steep, rocky outcroppings, called bird cliffs, found here and there jutting out of the tundra. The bird cliffs doubtless bear some geological relation to the Hrimgar chains. When such eggs are frozen they are eaten like apples.
Beasts of Gor page 196
Vulo Eggs
She was a peasant, barefoot, her garment little more than coarse sacking. She had been carrying a wicker basket containing vulos, domesticated pigeons raised for eggs and meat.
Nomads of Gor page 1
"Do you know what time it is?" she asked.
"No," I admitted.
"If you'd listen to the bars," she said, "you'd know."
"What time is it?" I asked.
"It is past the eighth bar," she informed me.
"So?" I asked.
"So," she said, "I have not had anything to eat since yesterday morning and if I am not at the trough in the quarters for female staff slaves by the small bar after the eighth bar I will miss breakfast. I cannot simply go down to the kitchen like you and demand five vulo eggs!"
Assassin of Gor page 103
"And put bread over the fire," I said, "and honey, and the eggs of vulos, and fried tarsk meat and a Torian larma fruit."
The girl nodded and, rising gracefully, backing away a step or two, head down, turned and went to the kitchen.
Assassin of Gor page 106
Within that rail, about the altar, some in chests, others displayed on shelvings, was much rich plate, and vessels of gold and silver. There were the golden bowls used to gather the blood of the sacrificed animals; cups used to pour libations to Priest-Kings; vessels containing oils, lavers in which the celebrants of the rites might cleanse their hands from their work; there were even the small bowls of coins, brought as offerings by the poor, to solicit the favor of Initiates that they might intercede with Priest-Kings on their behalf, that the food roots would not fail, the suls not rot, the fish come to the plankton, the verr yield her kid with health to both, the vulos lay many eggs.
Marauders of Gor page 35
A fellow walked past me, carrying several vulos, alive, heads down, their feet tied together. He was followed by another fellow, carrying a basket of eggs.
Tribesmen of Gor page 40
Proteins, meat, kaiila milk, vulo eggs, verr cheese, require much water for their digestion.
Tribesmen of Gor page 226
He sat, cross-legged, behind the low table. On it were hot bread, yellow and fresh, hot black wine, steaming, with its sugars, slices of roast bosk, the scrambled eggs of vulos, pastries with creams and custards.
Beasts of Gor page 20
Soon I smelled the frying of vulo eggs in a large, flat pan, and the unmistakable odor of coffee, or as the Goreans express it, black wine.
Slave Girl of Gor page 73
Eta piled several of the hot, tiny eggs, earlier kept fresh in cool sand within the cave, on a plate, with heated yellow bread, for him. I grasping the pot with a rag and both hands, poured him a handled, metal tankard of the steaming black brew, coffee or black wine.
Slave Girl of Gor page 74
White Grunt Eggs
The tables were covered with cloths of glistening white and a service of gold. Before each guests there were tiny slices of tospit and larma, small pastries, and, in a tiny golden cup, with a small golden spoon, the clustered, black, tiny eggs of the white grunt.
Fighting Slave of Gor pages 275-276
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