Friday, October 25, 2013


Artic Flora
There are roughly 240 types of plants that grow in the artic area,within 500 pasangs of the north pole.Of these plants,none are poisonous or have thorns.They found no need to develop the defenses necessary to many southern plants.

Brak Bush
A shrub whose leaves have a purgative effect when chewed; traditionally, branches of it are nailed to house doors during the Waiting Hand to discourage the entry of bad luck into the house for the New Year.

Carpet Plant
A plant of the rainforest area inland of Schendi, having tendrils that are sometimes used as a source of drinking water.

This is a plant on Gor similar to the Earth plant of the same name.

A small, short-stemmed flower indigenous to hillsides; sometimes called the 'slave flower', it is often used as a design for slave brands; sometimes used as a slave name. Similar in appearance to the Urthen rose.

This is a plant on Gor similar to the Earth plant of the same name.

This is a type of shrubbery.It grows in the Vosk Delta and likely else where.

A tree of the Tahari having lanceolate leaves; the trunk leans, like that of a palm tree.

A largish scarlet flower having 5 petals.

There is a wide variety of fruit that grows on Gor.They include such items as grapes, peaches, berries, melons, apricots, pomegranates, dates, plums, pears and cherries.

Hogarthe Trees
These trees are white-barked with shimmering green leaves.They stand about 50 feet tall and are common in the vicinity of water in the Barrens.There shape is reminiscent of Earth poplar trees.

A tree with very strong yellow wood, used for making bows; the fruit of the ka-la-na is used to make ka-la-na wine.

This plant grows largely in the desert regions on Gor.The roots of the kanda plant,when ground and dried,are extremely toxic but the rolled leaves are relatively harmless.The leaves are often formed into strings and then either chewed or sucked.They act as a drug but are addictive.They are most favored in the southern hemisphere where they are more abundant.

A shrub whose salty, blue secondary roots are a main ingredient in sullage.

Leech Plant
A hemovorous plant that fastens two hollow, fang-like thorns into its victim, through which it can suck the blood that nourishes it.It strikes like a cobra. You can hear the popping sucking sound of the bladderlike seed pods of
the plant as they expand and contract. They are usually cleared from the sides of the road. They are primarily dangerous only to children and small animals.But, an unwise person who choose to sleep in an unknown wilderness area might also succumb to their dangers.

Liana Vine
A rainforest plant which can be used as a source of drinking water.

Needle Tree
A tree of the Thentis region, whose oil is used in perfumes.

Palm Trees
More than 1500 varieties of palm trees exist in the rainforest.. one of which is the Fan Palm, more than 20 ft high, and spreads it leaves in the form of a an opened fan, it is an excellent sourse of pure water, as much as one liter
of water being found, almost as though cupped, at teh base of each leaf's stem.

Pod Tree
This is a tree in the rainforests and its inner bark is used to make bark cloth.

This is a tall,long stalked leafy plant that predominately grows in the delta of the Vosk. It has a long thick root,about four inches thick,that lies horizontally under the water.Small roots sink into the mud from the main
root.They have up to a dozen stems,often as long as 15 to 16 feet.It has an excrescent,usually single floral spike.Rence has many uses.Its root is woody and heavy and can be carved to make tools and utensils.When dried,it makes a good fuel.From the stem,you can make reed boats,sails,mats,cords and fibrous cloth.Its pith is edible,and with fish, is a staple of the rencers diet.The pith can be eaten raw or cooked.The pith is also used for caulking for boat seams.Its fibers are also used to make paper.

Rep is a whitish fibrous matter found in the seed pods of a small,reddish woody bush.Its soft fibers are used to make cloth.The cloth is ceap,strong,and dyes well.It is a common fabric for slave livery.Rep is commercially grown in several areas especially below Ar and above the equator.

Sa-Tarna {'life-daughter'}
This is a tall,yellow grain,the staple crop of Gor.There is a hybrid variety that is brownish and grown in the Tahari Wastes.It has adapted to the heat of the desert.Sa-tarna bread is a major product of this staple grain.

Sim Plant
A rambling, tangled vine-like plant with huge, rolling leaves, raised in the pasture chambers of the Nest.

Sip Root
A bitter root whose extract is the active ingredient in slave wine.In some areas, sip root is chewed raw and it does act as a temporary contraceptive.

Delicate, yellow-petaled meadow flower, symbolic of feminine love and beauty; a crown of talendars is often worn by a free woman during the Companionship ceremoney; worn in a slavegirl's hair, it is a silent plea for her to be raped.

A plant of the Tahari; its roots, mashed & mixed with water, provide a red dye.

This is a linear,black supple tree which produces a very strong black wood.This wood is often used in important construction.

This is a colorful and fragrant flower.

This is a type of shubbery that exists in the Vosk delta and likely elsewhere as well.

This is a plant whose extract is the active ingredient in breeding wine,the releasor for slave wine.

Tobacco is basically unknown on Gor.In the Sardar though,one person did grow some tobacco,imported from Earth.This is an extreme exception and tobacco does not exist anywhere else.

Tor Shrub
This shrub has various other names,but this name translates as "bright shrub" or "shrub of light".It has abundant bright flowers,either yellow or white.It blooms in the fall and does not grow higher than a man's waist.It can be
found in the Vosk delta and elsewhere.

This is a yellowish-white peachlike fruit,about the size of a plum.It comes in either short or long stemmed variety.The short tem is the more common variety and usually has an odd-number of seeds.The rare,long-stemmed variety though does not.Tospits are bitter but are often sliced with honey, in syrups, or for their juices as a flavoring.They are good to proctect seamen from diseases and thuse are sometimes called seamen's larma.It is a fairly hard-fleshed fruit and easy to dry and store.The long-stemmed ones are not available until late in the summer.

Tur Tree
This is a lofty,reddish tree that may grow to 200 feet or more.It is similar to the redwoods of Earth.The city of Turia got its name from these trees.They are a common tree in the northern forests of Gor as well.

Turl Bush
This brush is used by the Red Savages to waterproof hides.

This is a vinelike tree parasite with curved,scarlet,ovate leaves that lives on Tur trees.Its leaves are edible and are an ingredient in sullage.

This is an unknown type of produce.

Many varieties of vegetables are grown on Gor,including beans,cabbages, carrots,corn, onions, peas, peppers, pumpkins, radish, squash, and turnips.

This is a bluish wildflower commonly found in the lower ranges of Thentis Mountains.It is often used in perfumes.Desert veminuim is a small purplish flower from the Tahari also used in permfumes.Both flowers are boiled in water and the vapors are then condensed into an oil that is used to perfume water.In the Tahari,the water is used to wash the eating hand before and after dinner.

Verr Grass
This is a type of common grass on Gor.

Violet Grass
Patches of stalky grass, one of several hues used in pleasure gardens of Turia.

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