Friday, October 25, 2013

Law & Punishment

-(noun): a punishment not otherwise described, however the earth translation is a beating, especially with a stick or cudgel. The beating may be specifically to the soles of the feet.
Book 25: Magicians of Gor, page 445

-(noun): this ancient form of execution is seen as an option when the offender is of the same Home Stone; it consists of stripping, beating and beheading the offender and is considered a merciful death.
Book 23: Renegades of Gor, page 14-15

boards, chained on
-(noun): a ancient modality of execution that involves the person being chained, by collar and shackles, on parallel upright boards. Like the punishment of hanging from an iron collar, the victim may take two to three days to die; these structures are most common in harbor cities near the wharves.
Book 23: Renegades of Gor, page 14-15

brand, penalty
-(noun): small 1/4 inch brands that mark a convicted liar, thief, traitor etc.
Book 7: Captive of Gor, page 310

couching law
-(noun): any Free woman who voluntarily 'couches' with the slave of another may be taken as slave herself by the Master of the slave she 'couched' with.
Book 25: Magicians of Gor, page 7 and page 303

dung sack
-(noun): used to contain bosk (or any) dung after it has been raked up or collected; also employed as a punishment when slave girls are forced to 'spend a night in the dung sack'.
Book 4: Nomads of Gor, page 285

exile, ritual of
-(noun): a man being exiled for whatever reason is publicly refused bread and salt, and is then ordered to leave the city by sundown under penalty of death. The exiled one may not come within ten pasangs of the city from that day forward.
Book 1: Tarnsman of Gor, page 216

Frame of Humiliation
-(noun): wooden frame to which the condemned person is tied before it is set adrift in the Vosk River so that he may die of exposure and/or dehydration if he is not eaten by tharlarion or other carnivorous reptiles.
Book 1: Tarnsman of Gor, pages 136 and 138

Free Companionship
-(noun): the closest equivalent to marriage on Gor. A woman is bought from her parents and is considered a Free Companion, even though she may not have been consulted in the arrangement. A woman, may agree of her own free will to be a Free Companion, and a Master may free his slave for Free Companionship. A man may have only one Free Companion at a time, but the relationship is considered binding, sundered usually, only by death as long as it is annually renewed.. A Gorean free woman does not change her name in the ceremony of the Free Companionship. From the Gorean point of view, the wife of Earth occupies a status which is higher than that of the slave, but lower than that of the Free Companion.
Book 1: Tarnsman of Gor, page 216
Book 2: Outlaw of Gor, page 54
Book 8: Hunters of Gor, page 9
Book 9: Marauders of Gor, page 14
Book 13: Explorers of Gor, pages 365-366

garbage death
-(noun): the death for a slave where a slave is bound naked, and thrown to canal urts, as in Port Kar.
Book 10: Tribesmen of Gor, page 313

girl catch
-(noun): a contest to settle disputes where young women free and slave are captured by the opposing village within a boundaried area.
Book 12: Beast of Gor, page 41
Book 25: Magicians of Gor, page 40

-(verb): the impalement of a person on the pole lance or spear with the dying body raised for all to view.
Book 1: Tarnsman of Gor, page 157

iron collars, hung in
-(noun): an ancient modality of execution that involves the offenders being chained and suspended by iron collars on posts, taking two to three days to die. -
Book 23: Renegades of Gor, page 14

Kneel to the Whip
-(position): this command orders a slave to kneel, bowing her head to her knees, her wrists crossed under her as though bound. The position is intended to expose her back to the whip.
Book 3: Priest-Kings of Gor, page 201 and 202
Book 7: Captive of Gor, page 200
Book 15: Rogue of Gor, page 21
Book 18: Savages of Gor, page 137

-(noun): the documented, legal freeing of a slave.
Book 25: Magicians of Gor, page 460

self-contract, limited, slave
-(noun): an arrangement wherein a Free Woman contracts to be an experimental slave for a period of time ranging from one night to a year. Her documents will contain a specified termination date.
Book 18: Blood Brothers of Gor, page 101

slave box, punishment
-(noun): small square (3x3') iron box with a door having a viewing aperture of 7 inches x1/2 inches in the middle and a pass-through of 12x2 inches at the base; a punishment device for slaves.
Book 7: Captive of Gor, pages 313-314

staking, exposure death by
-(noun): A death from exposure used in Klima for those attempting to escape. As the term implies, a person is staked to the salt crusts, spread-eagled, until the heat of the Tahari sun kills.
Book 10: Tribesmen of Gor, page 265

staking, sleen death or punishment by
-(noun): an form of execution or punishment used when a Master is done with a slave; he may stake her for sleen, by staking ankles and legs widely apart between two stakes. The slave is blindfolded and cut on the thigh to draw blood, smearing it across her body, to attract the animal..
Book 8: Hunters of Gor, page 230 -231

tarn death
-(noun): each limb of a person is attached by rope or chain to different tarns and the person is flown aloft then torn apart.
Book 1: Tarnsman of Gor, page 158

tharlarion, torn apart by
-(noun): a form of execution that involves ropes being tied to the offender's wrists and ankles. These bindings are attached to two different tharlarion which are then drawn in opposite directions.
Book 23: Renegades of Gor, page 14

tharlarion, trampled by
-(noun): form of execution. The offender is bound before a tharlarion and trampled to death or until maimed.
Book 23: Renegades of Gor, page 14

torturers, clan of
-(noun): found only among the Wagon Peoples, they are trained as carefully as scribes or physicians in the arts of detaining life. Though some are famous for services rendered to Initiates and Ubars, they are always hooded. The hood is removed only when the sentence is death, so that only condemned men have seen what lies beneath it.
Book 4: Nomads of Gor, pages 9 and 10

use discipline
-(noun): a punishment which avows the free man's prerogative to sexually use a house-owned girl as discipline. There are examples which state that these rights are governed by a Code, wherein a girl may not be used or disciplined without the permission of her owner.
Book 11: Slave Girl of Gor, page 226
Book 12: Beasts of Gor, page 174
Book 25: Magicians of Gor, pages 329-330

wagon, justice
-(noun): a form of execution which involved tar and tallow, the contents from a wagon's grease bucket, and fire; a detailed description is not given, but it is noted as evidence of the Gorean's distaste of criminals.
Book 23: Renegades of Gor, page 22

-(noun): a ransom or bribe. A man who is an outlaw can redeem himself by paying a wergild to the official who sets it. Once paid he is 'pardoned' no longer an outlaw.
Book 9: Marauders of Gor, page 94

Yellow Pool of Turia
-(noun): housed in a magnificent chamber in the House of Saphrar is a marble basin filled with a brilliant, yellow fluid. Beneath it's oddly shifting surface is a collection of threads and granules in a transparent bag of intertwined, writhing filaments and spheres, imbedded in a darkish, yellow jelly and walled in by a translucent membrane. The pool is a living, breathing monster that slowly digests it's victims. The Yellow Pool was destroyed by Kamchak after he conquered Turia
Book 4: Nomads of Gor, pages 202-213 and 322-323

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