A unit of measure equal to the distance from the elbow to the tip of the middle finger. 18 inches,analoguous to the Earth cubit, 10 ah-il is equal to one ah-ral.
A unit of measure equal to 10 ah-il or approximately 160 Earth inches.
A unit of measurement equal to 10 horts or 12 and 1/2 Earth inches.
A measure of distance equal to 1 and 1/4 inches.
A unit of measure equal to 5 tefa.
A measure of distance equal to .7 Earth miles.
A unit of measure equal to 4 Earth pounds.
A unit of measure equal to 2 Earth gallons.
A unit of measure consisting of a handful of whatever produce { such as dates } is being weighed.6 tefs are equal to one tefa.
A unit of measure equal to 6 tefs,5 tefas are equal to 1 huda.A tefa is also equal to a small basket.
A unit of measurement equal to 10 stones or 40 Earth pounds.
1 Hort is equal to 1 and 1/4 inches {U.S.} and 3.2 centimeters {Metric}.
1 Gorean Foot {10 Hort} is equal to 12 and 1/2 inches {U.S.} and 32 centimeters {Metric}.
1 Ah-il is equal to 18 inches {U.S.} and 46.15 centimeters {Metric}.
1 Ah-ral {10 ah-il} is equal to 180 inches/15 feet {U.S.} or 461.5 centimeters/5 meters {Metric}.
1 Pasang is equal to 1/7th of a mile/3696 feet {U.S.} or 1.2 kilometers/1232 meters {Metric}.
{ An ah-il is the distance from the elbow to the tip of the middle finger,analogous to the Earth "cubit".It is typically standardized in Gorean measure as being 18 U.S. inches in length as described above.}
1 Gorean Stone is equal to 4 pounds {U.S.} or 1.8 kilograms {Metric}.
1 Gorean Weight {10 Stone} is equal to 40 pounds {U.S.} or 18.14 kilograms {Metric}.
Liquid Volume
1 Talu is equal to 2 gallons {U.S.} or 7.5 liters {Metric}.
Solid Volume
The following measurements are "trade weights",meaning that they are,like the ah-il, variable according to the hand size of the measurer.Nonetheless,due to their eases of use,they are retained by the Goreans as practical ways to measure solid volume in a distributory environment,particularly in trade-based Gorean settings where standardized measurements are not available for handy measurement.
1 Tef is equal to a closed handful of whatever produce { such as dates } is being weighed.6 tefs is equal to one tefa.
1 Tefa is equal to 6 tefs { or closed handfuls },or roughly the amount of merchandise it would take to fill a small basket.5 tefas is equal to 1 huda.
1 Huda is equal to 5 tefas,or small basket full.
Measurement Key
Ah-il Equaling 18 inches; 10 ah-il equal one Ah-ral.
Ah-ral Equaling 10 ah-il, or approx. 180 inches.
Foot Equal to 10 horts, or 12 1/2 Earth inches.
Hort Equal to 1-1/4 inches.
Huda Equaling 5 tefa.
Pasang Equaling .7 miles.
Stone Equal to 4 Earth pounds.
Talu Equaling 2 gallons
Tef Consisting of a handful of whatever produce -such as dates-
is being weighed; 6 tefs equal one tefa.
Tefa Equaling 6 tefs, or handfuls; 5 tefas equal 1 huda.
Weight Equal to 10 Stone, or 40 Earth pounds.
Bottles Equaling 1/2 tula.
Crate Contains 24 Bottles.
Barrel Equaling 5 talu's.
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