Friday, October 25, 2013

Banishment Form

~§¥§~ Banishment of {Name} ~§¥§~

As decreed, on this date, {Date}, by the Administrator of the city of {City}, {Name}, let it be known for all those within the walls of the city that a banishment has been issued for the following {person/people}:

{List of names of people to be banished; to include any/all slaves associated with said people as well.}

The reason behind this banishment from the city of {City}, {State reason here} is strictly against the laws and guidelines of the city. Such behavior will not be accepted, nor tolerated. From this date on, {Date}, {Name} has been banished from the walls of the city and will no longer be welcomed here. If you are caught in the city, you will face punishment which may include death.

{OOC Note: The banishment is due to the fact that said person/people refused to play by the laws and guidelines of the city, their play was not acceptable to the standards set forth in this SL, and/or due to crossing OOC to IC and vice versa. Any SL which originated by the person/people being banished or including them will be terminated effective immediately within the city of {City}.}

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