~§¥§~ Guest Pass for {Name} ~§¥§~
We are very pleased to have you, {Name}, as a guest to the city of {City}. Please take your time to acquaint yourself with the people and to explore the city. You will find many friendly faces here to welcome you. The Administrator of the city, {Name}, truly hopes that you enjoy your time here in {City}. If you are in need of anything, please do not be afraid to ask. While in the city, you can stay at the {Inn}. Let it be noted that at any time this pass may, and will be revoked if your behavior has been deemed unsavory. Please acquaint yourself with the {Laws} so there will be no problems during your stay in the city.
This pass is good from:
{Date Issued} until {Date Expired}.
Type of Pass:
The "Standard" guest pass is issued to an individual who seeks to visit the city for the purpose of vacation and/or seeking a new residence within the city walls. This pass also includes the property of the person that it is issued to such as beasts of burden and/or slaves.
The "Long Term" guest pass is issued to family members and/or friends of a resident of the city of {City} who frequently comes to visit them within the city walls. This pass also includes the property of the person that it is issued to such as beasts of burden and/or slaves.
The "Business" guest pass is issued to one of the Merchants Caste who desires to regularly do business within the city of {City}. This pass also includes the property of the person that it is issued to such as beasts of burden and/or slaves.
Issued by:
{Name of issuer}
At this time there is only one person with the authority to issue guest passes within the city of {City}; the Administrator, {Name} {SN:}. Please contact him/her to obtain your pass within the next 20 Ahn. All guest passes that are issued are good for up to 2 hands, they may be extended if such a request is made by the person that the pass is issued to.
Please note that a guest pass is not required for a person who is not staying overnight in the city of {City}, nor are they required for those attending certain ceremonies, such as free companionship, etc. For such occasions, the invitation which was issued for said ceremony will grant the bearer entrance to the city. Please make sure that you have the invitation with you when entering upon either the Sun or River gates of the city.
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